Famous karaoke bars are Redbox,Music 21,Center Stage for the high tech facilities.But you need not spend that much to enjoy singing.You may do it with your love ones at the confines of your home, and I suggest you do.
You will find out a lot about your family. You will know them more,you’ll know their feelings from the songs that they sing at that moment. And sometimes, you will have a topic to talk based from a particular song. This definitely is a way to release stress, which is really true as advised by doctors and nurses.
I remember my uncles. Singing is their usual past time or bonding time. Specially when there is an occasion. Even if they’re singing old songs, I couldn’t help but sing with them. And I found out the song they like to sing.
I have another uncle, a German, and he too loves to sing. In fact he bought a portable karaoke (programs and songs are installed in a mike), and he brought it in Germany, He always brings that karaoke when he visits the Philippines.
One time I saw his son singing Filipino songs and it amazed me and the whole family.Man it brought the house down to party…